Student Loan

Get Some Help Paying for School

Give yourself the gift of Education, it’s the gift that keeps on giving! Scholarships and Grants are great, but what about what’s left over? If you have additional education expenses and you always do, a Student Loan from NJL & PS Credit Union can help you get the Education you want. We make it easy, just pay it back as you go.

A Student Loan from NJL & PS Credit Union can help you pay for college and more! Get Started Today with some help for:

  • Daycare
  • Nursery School
  • College
  • Education Expenses

Refinance Your Student Loans

Did your Credit get better? Maybe it’s time to refinance that School Loan you still have hanging over your head. Contact an NJL & PS Credit Union representative with any questions at (609) 393-1363.

Apply Today

Rates Effective as of 1st 2025. Rates are subject to change during the month at the discretion of the Board of Directors

Student Loan

$5000 - $1500011.00% (Prime Rate PLUS 3.00%) APR*
*Annual Percentage Rate

* All checks made payable directly to school.

Any additional questions, please contact the loan office at [email protected] or call (609) 393-0046.