Take Advantage & Earn Extra Cash
If you have the extra funds, why not let those funds make you money with a High Yield Certificate of Deposit at NJL & PS Credit Union. Lock in your high interest earning rates and enjoy risk-free earning for the duration of your investment. Just a $1,000 minimum balance can get you off and running. With Interest compounded and paid out quarterly, it’s fun to see your money grow. Get started and open a CD account today to start earning!
Your Funds are Federally Insured to at least $250,000 by the (NCUA) National Credit Union Administration.
Make More Money with Your Dough
Have a specific goal in mind? A Certificate of Deposit (Share Certificate) is a safe and easy way to earn money with interest. Use your extra earnings to save for home improvements, Education or even a much deserved vacation. We offer flexible terms to meet your financial needs. Contact an NJL & PS Credit Union representative with any questions at (609) 393-0046.
Start EarningRates Effective as of
1st 2025. Rates are subject to change during the month at the discretion of the Board of Directors
Certificates of Deposit
Rate | APY | Rate | APY | Rate | APY | |
BALANCE | $1,000 - $9,999.99 | $10,000 - $24,999.99 | $25,000 & Over | |||
6 MONTH | 4.90% | 4.90% | 4.90% | 4.90% | 4.90% | 4.90% |
12 MONTH | 2.00% | 2.00% | 2.05% | 2.05% | 2.10% | 2.10% |
18 MONTH | 3.74% | 3.75% | 3.79% | 3.80% | 3.84% | 3.85% |
24 MONTH | 1.84% | 1.86% | 1.89% | 1.91% | 1.94% | 1.96% |
36 MONTH | 2.04% | 2.06% | 2.09% | 2.11% | 2.14 | 2.16% |
48 MONTH | 2.09% | 2.11% | 2.14% | 2.16% | 2.19% | 2.21% |
60 MONTH | 2.29% | 2.31% | 2.29% | 2.31% | 2.34% | 2.37% |
15 MONTH (New Money Only) | 4.49% | 4.50% | 4.49% | 4.50% | 4.49% | 4.50% |
$1000 minimum balance required. Penalty for early withdrawal. Rates are subject to change during the month at the discretion of the Board of Directors * APR = Annual Percentage Rate * APY = Annual Percentage Yield |
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.
Federal Regulation D limits account activity to six automatic or pre-authorized transfers or withdrawals on a per month basis. Members are subject to an additional fee after six transfers. Withdrawals and transfers requested in-person are not limited.
Any additional questions, please contact our main office at 609-393-0046 or our Hughes Justice Branch at 609-392-5781