Share Savings Account

Become a Member (Owner)

By opening an interest earning Share Savings account at NJL & PS Credit Union you become a member. It’s that easy with a Low Minimum of just $50 you own a part of the Credit Union.

What? That’s right, by opening an account YOU, the member own a piece of the pie and you can take advantage of all of the valuable products and services at the Credit Union.

Your Funds Federally Insured to at least $250,000

Open an Account Today

All it takes is a minimum balance of $50 to maintain your ownership in the Credit Union. Your Share Savings account balance gives you the benefit of access to all of our essential products & services. It’s Easy to Join, Click below to get started.

Join Today

Rates Effective as of 1st 2025. Rates are subject to change during the month at the discretion of the Board of Directors

(Share) Savings Account

AccountDividend RateAPY
$0.00 - $4,499.990.0625%0.0625%
$5,000.00 - $12,499.990.0775%0.0775%
$12,500.00 - Over0.0975%0.0975%
* APR = Annual Percentage Rate
* APY = Annual Percentage Yield

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Federal Regulation D limits account activity to six automatic or pre-authorized transfers or withdrawals on a per month basis. Members are subject to an additional fee after six transfers. Withdrawals and transfers requested in-person are not limited.

Any additional questions please contact our main office at 609-393-0046 or our Hughes Justice Branch at 609-392-5781.