Holiday Loan

Make Those Get Always a Little More Special with a Holiday Loan

Spending time with family and friends is what life is all about. You only get one shot at it and the memories you make will last you an eternity. Make those special times count with a Holiday Loan from NJL & PS Credit Union.

Holiday Loan Applications are available beginning in October to December of each year only. Please click your choice below for further information.

For current holiday loans, you must have $750.00 available to apply for the loan.


New Holiday Loans

Our new Holiday Loan lets you plan ahead for the Holiday Season. Don’t let shopping get you down. Holiday Loans are available Year round.

Apply Now
Any additional questions, please contact the loan office at [email protected] or call (609) 393-0046.

All of our loans have gone electronic.

Please click the apply button on the page to begin.

Please do not submit your holiday loan application more than once. If you submit multiple times, the system may delete your application.

Please watch for your loan documents from web signature in your email.
You will need to digitally sign it in order to process your loan request with us.

For current holiday loans, you must have $750.00 available to apply for the loan.

New Jersey Law & Public Safety Federal Credit Union